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The 5 Best Countries In The World Known For Their Beautiful Beaches

The 5 Best Countries In The World Known For Their Beautiful Beaches

The white sands, crashing waves and lush greenery are the perfect ingredients for a beach getaway.
Take the Plunge and Visit these Countries known for their Beaches;

  • Cuba -
Cuba is one of the best countries in the world known for its white sand beaches and palm trees. The shallow coastal waters attract divers and photographers from across the globe. One of the best known beaches in the country is Varadero beach. Pinos, one of the most famous Cuban islands is also quite breathtaking. Cuba is definitely among the 5 best countries to visit in 2015 for its beaches.

  • France -
The country is culturally diverse. Some of the best beaches in the world dot the French coastline. Notable among them would have to be the French Riviera. The Cote d'Azur (its other name) covers a vast area from Marseille to Menton. The island of Corsica is also known for its incredible beaches and lush greenery. These beaches are even better than the ones along the French Riviera. No wonder France is regarded as one of the best countries to visit just for its beaches.

  • The Bahamas -
The Bahamas beaches are very inviting. The white coral sand makes it among the best beach destinations in the Western Hemisphere. Tourists throng this Caribbean island for its natural beauty. The summer months witness a large crowd from countries with a harsh winter. Therefore, from December to March, the island receives more than its fair share of visitors. Some of the best-known celebrities in the world have private islands here.

  • Jamaica -
The white sand beaches of Jamaica lure you to this Caribbean paradise. All you would want to do is sip on a mimosa while the sun gives you a perfect tan. The pristine water and coconut trees add to the charm of the place. Jamaica offers a relaxing getaway from the monotony of city life.

  • Greece -
Despite its current predicament, Greece continues to be one of the best beach destinations in the world. The indented coastline is dotted with beautiful beaches. The sheltered bays ensure that the waters remain calm. The water is among the cleanest in Europe. One must visit Elafonisi Beach, a perfect destination for beach lovers who want to experience bliss. Greece should be on your list of best countries to visit for their beautiful beaches.

The 5 best countries to visit in 2015 for their beaches will ensure that you have a fantastic vacation. If you are looking for a relaxing holiday, visit any one of the magnificent destinations.
Saurav K. Mishra is the author of this article on Tripoto. If you are looking for some of the best countries to visit, this site will help you make a choice. You can also take recommendations from other world travelers before making a final choice.
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